Today's Ledger has another article regarding the problems with Lakeland Police department and their DUI unit that I discovered. This deals with the problem with Lakeland's DUI police reports. The article dealt with LPD's "internal investigation" regarding the policies and practices of its DUI unit and officers in general. You can read the article here:
As I previously explained in a blog about Tampa 's Police Department conducting the same type of "investigation" these "investigations" have no teeth. If you really want to fix your problems you need an independent critical eye looking at the police investigation. That means a DUI defense attorney must be on the investigative team. Defense attorneys are the people who find problems with the breath test machine, police paperwork, search warrants, and endless other issues. Self-policing does not work. DUI lawyers that file motions to suppress and public record requests for documents the police and prosecutors do not hand over are the ones that insure fairness and justice are served and our constitutional rights are protected.
If you have been arrested, call an attorney that knows what to look for and how to defend you in court.
Thomas C. Grajek