Criminal Defense LawyerLakeland, Tampa, FL


Proposed Marijuana Law Raises Concerns About Impaired Driving

A Florida criminal defense lawyer examines the issue Recreational marijuana is currently illegal in Florida, but a proposed 2024 ballot question could change that. While the proposal is still being debated, both proponents and opponents of legalization share a common concern. What impact will legalizing marijuana have on Florida roads? Impaired driving due to marijuana...

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Tragic Polk County Car Wreck Highlights the Complexities of the Criminal Justice System

Polk County criminal defense lawyer explains why this matters A recent car accident in Polk County, FL resulted in two fatalities, four injuries, and six felony counts — except the at-fault driver can actually only be charged with one felony. If that sounds confusing to you, you're right. This is a prime example of why...

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Can You Get a DUI in Florida For Taking Prescription Medication?

When most people think of DUI charges, they think a driver has been accused of drinking too much before getting behind the wheel. But the use of other substances can also result in charges – including prescription drugs. Drugged driving cases can involve the use of opioids, anxiety drugs, anti-seizure drugs, anti-psychotics, antidepressants, allergy medications,...

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