You only have 10 days to request a “Formal Review” to challenge the administrative suspension of your driver’s license for blowing over 0.08 on the breath test machine or refusing the breath test. The Florida legislature has now changed the law that can dramatically affect your ability to drive!
Now, you can AUTOMATICALLY obtain a hardship license for the ENTIRE period of suspension. What does a person arrested for DUI give up for this benefit? The driver MUST WAIVE their right to a Formal Review.
- That means the DUI license suspension will appear on your license.
- That means you have no chance of having the administrative suspension set aside and having your full driving privileges reinstated.
- That means you lose a valuable discovery tool to prepare your DUI case for court and trial.
I am hearing from more and more people arrested for DUI that their insurance company is cancelling their policy if they are arrested for DUI or lose the Formal Review. So you may get a hardship license, but have no insurance. This decision becomes an extremely important decision based upon each individual driver’s priorities. It also depends on which law enforcement agency arrested the driver. That is why you need an experienced DUI trial lawyer representing you! You need an attorney that can explain the benefits of each choice and select the best option for your criminal case.
If you choose to have a Formal review, the rules will remain unchanged as far as temporary permits and hardship licenses. However, if an DUI officer or deputy fails to appear at your Formal Review, the DUI suspension will be INVALIDATED! No more having to file a lawsuit to enforce subpoenas. Many lazy DUI lawyers that NEVER subpoena witnesses better learn the new rules quickly or they may make a huge mistake for the client’s they represent. Retain an attorney that is not lazy and will continue to fight for his clients like I always have.
863-838-5549 cell
You only have 10 days to request a Formal Review!
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